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Ambrotype Studio

Cumminger Brothers Store

Ambrotype Studio

SpacerThe first practical and successful method of producing a photograph was discovered in France in 1839 by Louis Daguerre with the daguerreotype. Due to the expense and dangers of this method only the wealthy could have their photograph taken. In 1852 the British sculptor, F. Scott Archer revolutionized the art of photography, with his discovery of the ambrotype. Photography became accessible to the masses.
SpacerAn ambrotype is a photograph taken on a piece of glass. The process involves coating a glass plate with a collodian emulsion and then immersing the plate in a silver nitrate bath making it light sensitive.
SpacerThe 1891 Census records a photographer by the name of Charles MacLane in Sherbrooke at this time. It is believed his studio was located upstairs in this building where the present day studio is located.
SpacerThis studio is one of the few working studios in Canada in which people can dress in period clothing and have an ambrotype photograph taken of them.