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Cumminger Brothers Store

Cumminger Brothers General Store and Shipbuilding Company

SpacerJohn and Samuel Cumminger were involved in almost every part of society, including the operation of one of the Villages general stores and a shipbuilding company located beside the store. Ebenezer and Isaac, John and Samuels brother's were also involved in the store and the shipbuilding company. The business-end of Cumminger Brothers Shipyard was also controlled through the store.
SpacerAt the store, anything imaginable could be purchased - hardware, paints, oils, dry goods, groceries, medicines, school books, etc. If the item requested was not in stock, it could be easily ordered in as vessels were continually transporting a variety of goods between Sherbrooke, Halifax and beyond.
SpacerIn the late 1800's and the early 1900's a pair of men's suspenders cost from $0.10 to $1.50, a vase lamp cost from $1.00 to $4.50; a pair of skates cost from between $0.45 to $5.00 and a doll cost from $0.25 to $8.50. With weekly wages of approximately $12.98, few could afford these luxuries.

SpacerCumminger Brother's General Store:

Spacer1860 - Owned/operated by John & Samuel Cumminger.

Spacer1863 - John and Samuel's brother, Ebenezer left the business.

Spacer1868 - The store became known as Cumminger, King & Company (In the 1871 Census, Charles and Margaret King were recorded as living with John and Sarah. Charles' occupation was a merchant. He was probably a partial owner with John).

Spacer1869 - John and Samuel's brother, Isaac left the business.

Spacer1892 - Sarah, John's widow sold the store to Campbell McDaniel. The store was sold to various people over the years until the Village purchased and restored it in 1969.

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