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The Teaching Unit Authors

Dawn T. Maracle

She:kon sonwakwe:kon. Dawn T ionkiats. Konkwehon:we Kanienkaha.

Dawn T Maracle is a Mohawk from Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory near Belleville, Ontario. She completed her B.A. (Honours) degree in Native Studies at Trent University where she was heavily involved in the Native Student Association, the Aboriginal Education Council, and the Department of Native Studies. She has spent a combined total of seven years on 3 Aboriginal Education Councils in Southern Ontario, and is a member of the Aboriginal Circle on Post Secondary Education in Ontario. She has recently graduated with her B.Ed. degree from Queen's University in the Aboriginal Teacher Education Program, where she created a Web site on the Three Sisters: an Iroquois Story of food, survival, and scientific agriculture. Her life is full of stories and learning, so she is carrying her life learning as she begins her M.Ed. studies in Iroquois Storytelling in September at the University of Toronto. She hopes to carry her experiences forward into her work of learning stories and writing curriculum, and in trying to give Canadians a high quality, accurate education about the Native peoples living within Canada.

Iroquois Creation Story

Dawn T.


Eleanor Tam Eleanor Tam is currently teaching grade six at Oakdale Park Middle School in North York. She completed the Concurrent Education program at Queen's University. Eleanor enjoys traveling, learning new languages, and going to the theatre. Integrating the use of the Internet as well as incorporating more hands-on activities into her classroom are her goals this year (1998-99).




Allyson Payne is a visual artist and a teacher. In her work, she explores both personal and social issues. In her classroom, she like to encourage her students to do the same. She believes in integrating the arts into the curriculum but also in offering the arts as an authentic means of expression in and of themselves. Emphasis in our culture and our classrooms is placed on verbal communication. She feels that it is neccessary to offer students other vehicles through which to expess themselves. She has a Master's degree in Arts Education from Harvard, a Bachelor of Education from Queen's University and a B.A. from McGill. In the summer of 1998, she taught Sculpture, Drawing, and Painting for a summer art program offered by the Toronto Board of Education.



In June of 1997 Reg Lavergne received his Bachelor of Music degree from the University of Ottawa, in Ottawa, Ontario and moved on to receive his Bachelor of Education degree from Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario in May of 1998.

Reg Lavergne grew up in the rural community of Osgoode, Ontario (which is located just south of our nation's capital) and discovered a passion for music early on. With the support of his parents, Jim and Ivy Lavergne, and under the guidance of his elementary music teacher Marilyn Jenkins, and his high school music teacher Pierre Massie, his love of music grew, and he eventually came to the realization that he had to study music at the university. In 1990, he began taking private lessons with University of Ottawa Professor Robert Oades, whose global perspective shaped the direction that he was going to take in his ongoing quest to become a teacher. By the time he had graduated from the University of Ottawa (Ottawa, Ontario) in June of 1997, he knew that he needed to broaden his knowledge of world cultures, and he took this goal with him through his studies at Queen's University (Kingston, Ontario), where he received his Bachelor of Education degree in May of 1998. You will see his attempts to integrate this global perspective into his teaching areas of Music, History, and Special Education in his teaching unit, Musical and Cultural Introduction to Native Society.



Bachelor of Science Honours - Chemistry (Trent University, 1997)

Bachelor of Education (Concurrent) - Intermediate/Senior, Chemistry and Geography (Queen's University, 1998)



Suzanne Garrett is a Queen's Con-Ed graduate, and completed her final practcum at Calgary International College in Alberta. She is from Trenton Ontario and she took a medial degree at Queen's (English/Health studies), her B.Ed. was in I/S English/Biology, and she ran with the varsity team for my entire stay at Queen's (except for 3rd year when I was on exchange to Edinburgh). She is the editor of the next issue of Quarry Magazine and her interests include sports, writing and reading, astronomy and travelling.



Greg Davidson Greg Davidson of Manotick, Ontario completed the B.Ed. program this past year at Queen's which was something that he really did enjoy. The placements were very helpful to him.

In the years preceding Queen's, Trent University was his home where he studied Mathematics and Physics.

The summers of his life were spent managing a community pool in Manotick, running youth programs for a local church or teaching summer school (this summer).

Music is something he enjoys, and recently his group recorded a CD of 8 original tunes. In August, he will be married to Lindy Anderson, and in the fall of 1998 he will be at U of T working towards a Masters in Divinity.

Graphic design has been a serious work of his for nearly a year. In particular, his love is computer graphics and design. The unit that he compiled is called Graphic Design.



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