Queen's University at Kingston

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To develop understanding and appreciation of Canada's cultural diversity including the diversity of Canada's Native people.


  1. Students will recognize that Canada is a multicultural country made up of people with a variety of languages, religions, and customs.
  2. Students will discuss the influences of immigration and emigration on the make up of Canada's population.
  3. Students will be able to discuss the push and pull factors of different immigrants coming to Canada.
  4. Students will gain an appreciation of the importance of Canada's Native People in the cultural mosaic.
  5. Students will learn to value the diverse, dynamic, and changing cultures of Canada's Native People, the Europeans, and subsequent immigrants, who have shaped the Canadian identity.
  6. Students will recognize the contributions made by people from other countries to Canadian society.
  7. Students will strengthen their sense of cultural and political identity.
    1. Students will be able to determine the value that differences in culture bring to Canada.
    2. Students should be able to explain the values and attitudes that underlie decisions made by Native Peoples about their lives and their futures.
    3. Students will be able to apply simple analysis tools to analyze a set of data.
    4. Student will draw maps, sketches, graphs, and charts from other maps and databases.
    5. Students will learn to evaluate recorded information and assess the reliability of specific sources of information.
    6. Student will be able to synthesize and draw conclusions from recorded information.
    7. Students will be able to speak coherently and correctly about the topic of cultural diversity in Canada.
    8. Students will become comfortable with interpreting and using information from the World Wide Web.

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