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Terms   G - K

Mannual for the Preperation of As Found Drawings








  • GABLE The triangular portion of wall beneath the end of a gabled roof.

  • GABLED ROOF A roof that slopes on two sides.

  • GAMBREL ROOF A roof that has a double slope, with the lower slope steeper and longer than the upper one; a mansard roof.

  • GEORGIAN STYLE A term roughly denoting the architecture of England from 1702-1830.

  • GOTHIC REVIVAL STYLE Adopts the architectural features of traditional Gothic Style, rather than trying to recreate an entire Gothic building.

  • HALF-TIMBERED In early building, a wall constructed of timber with the spaces between the members filled With masonry (in French, colombage pierroté); since the late nineteenth century, a wall that imitates half-timbering, even if the timber members are not structural.

  • HAMMER-DRESSED Stone that is dressed with a lightly textured surface.

  • HERITAGE CHARACTER The overall effect produced by traits or features which give the property or an area a distinctive quality or appearance.

  • HERITAGE CONSERVATION AREA A district with special heritage value or heritage character, identified for conservation purposes in the Official Community Plan (OCP). The bylaw must include: - A description of special features or characteristics which justify its establishment. - The objective for the area. - Guidelines to achieve the objectives. The Bylaw May: - Identify circumstances for which a heritage Permit is not required. - Include a schedule listing the Protected Heritage Properties. - Identify features or characteristics that contribute to the heritage value or heritage character.

  • HERITAGE PROPERTY Property that has sufficient heritage value or heritage character to justify its conservation.

  • HERITAGE VALUE The historical, cultural, aesthetic, scientific-worth or usefulness of a property or an area.

  • HIPPED ROOF A roof that slopes on four sides.

  • HOOD M0ULDING A moulding located at the top of a window to deflect rainwater.

  • IMPOST A moulding, bracket, or masonry course in a wall that supports the end of an arch. inantis See anta.

  • JOIST A secondary horizontal structural member, usually supported by a beam at each end, and itself supporting a floor, ceiling, or roof.

  • KEYSTONE The wedge-shaped central block, or voussoir, at the apex of an arch.

  • KING POST In a roof truss, the vertical member that extends from the centre of the principal beam (called the tie beam) to the underside of the ridge.
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Last updated 31 August 1998.
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Content provided by BC Heritage Trust and Heritage Branch, Province of British Columbia.
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