Back to South Park School index South Park School - RESTORATION PROJECT









The following has been excerpted from the Restoration Programme Feasibility Study of South Park School and Annex, prepared by Restoration Services Division, Heritage Conservation Branch.


1. Remove the wood frame vestibule at the main entrance to install temporary doors in the original frame.
2. Construct and install, complete with hardware, one pair of doors for the main entrance.
3. Remove the concrete steps from the three entrances.
4. Replace or restore missing and broken roof crestings and slates.
5. Clean top several courses of chimneys, remove loose mortar and re-point. All mortar will match in terms of composition and colour.
Restoration6. Rake out loose and decayed mortar (and re-point in the areas indicated on the drawings).
7. Remove loosed cement pargeting adjacent to areas where it has fallen off basement walls, building corners, sills, band courses, and cornices.
8. Rake out mortar joints, remove and replace all broken or decayed bricks before repargeting with cement. Must match existing colour and composition, apply fake coursing to cement to simulate existing stonework.
9. Remove loose cement from balustrade above main doors and repair all damaged areas.
10. Remove broken concrete from pediment above louvres, repair all damaged areas and thoroughly clean exposed faces of concrete where broken. Also install mechanical fasteners to hold replaced concrete pieces to pediment, grout joints and strike flush.
11. Remove window from exterior wall of the room built on the balcony.
Restoration12. Rebuild the exterior front entrance stairs, the North and South porches and balconies in treated wood.
13. Restore window and door frames. Replace all cracked and broken windows. Replace glass in lower section of second storey window over main entrance.
14. Restore ornamental woodwork in each gable replacing all missing pieces.
15. Replace and restore louvres as necessary in the fresh air intake above front entrance.
16. Restore soffits by renailing back to supporting members, where sound. Strip soffit boards and replace supports where necessary. Install new ones.
17. Restore gutters, rainwater leaders, and roof flashings.
18. Scrape loose paint from all surfaces.
19. Prime all new and uncovered wood with linseed oil based primer. And apply two coats of exterior latex .
20. Apply paint sealer to all new concrete pargeting.
21. Remove concrete wall adjoining Michigan Street and steel posts and wire fence adjoining Douglas Street. Rebuild a new fence on a portion of the south perimeter and on the entire east perimeter.

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Last updated 31 August 1998.
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Content provided by BC Heritage Trust and Heritage Branch, Province of British Columbia.
 SchoolNet Digital Collections Program