Back to measured drawings index South Park School - VICTORIA, B.C.
Table of Contents
South Park School is the oldest operational school in Western Canada. It was built in response to the School Act of 1892 and first opened its door in 1894 to 480 students. The building was designated heritage in 1978 and was restored in 1980's. The most distinctive feature of the building is that is has not been altered significantly since it was built.
Inset Map South Park School - BC Archives #i_26570
British Columbia Archives #i_26570
Site Facts
Social History
Architectural Description
Architectural Additions
Restoration Project
Perspective sketch Perspective Sketch
Elevations Elevations Sections Sections Floor Plans Floor Plans
Window Details Window Details Detail 1 Detail 1 Detail 2 Detail 2
Site Map
South Park School
508 Douglas Street, Victoria, B.C. VXX XXX
Tel: (250) 382-5234 - Fax: (250) 381-3209

Home Location Map Measured Drawings Teachers Corner Architectural Information Team
Home Location Map Measured

Last updated 31 August 1998.
This digital collection was produced under contract to the Canada's Digital Collections Program, Industry Canada.
Produced by Canada's Digital Collections Team.
Content provided by BC Heritage Trust and Heritage Branch, Province of British Columbia.
 SchoolNet Digital Collections Program