Back to Ceperley Mansion index Ceperley Mansion - ARCHITECTURAL DESCRIPTION









The following information has been taken from The Story of a House: Ceperley Mansion to Burnaby Art Gallery, Chapter III.

During the residence of the Buscombe family (1922-1935)
- a needle shower was installed in the bathroom, off the master bedroom
- the old "pulls" to summon the servants was replaced with a panel of electric buzzers

chapel Residence of the Order of St. Benedict (1939-1954)
- a new building was erected to house the gym, recreation room, dining rooms, and kitchen
- In 1942, every one in the community tried to restore the estate. The property was cleared and recultivated. The orchards were rediscovered and the greenhouses were used again to plant vegetables. Also the fathers kept cows and bees.
- the drawing room was converted into a chapel. The altar was placed in front of the fireplace
- a portion of the drawing room was closed; therefore, also part of the outside verandah, to accomodate the congregation attending the service
- the billiard room became the Fathers' Common Room and recreation area
- a two storey tower was added off the breakfast room

Residence of the Canadian Temple of the Universal Foundation of More Abundant Life (1954-1960)
- two storeys were added to the aviary tower
- original building was enlarged to include an assembly hall (presently the James Cowan Centre), small offices, and cloakrooms
- the gym made by the Benedictines was converted into a chapel

Gallery Lounge Residence of the Burnaby Art Gallery (1967-Present)
- removal of glass cabinets in the dining room
- the billiard room was restored to become the Gallery Lounge
- roof was redone in asphalt shingles; originally cedar shingles
- exterior colour was originally burnt sienna; in 1984, it was painted an avacado-lime green colour.

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Last updated 31 August 1998.
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