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Environmental Investments


Program Area

This project was designed for the general level Grade 10 Accounting Introduction course. It fits best into Unit 1, immediately after Financial Statements has been taught.

Learning Outcomes

Teaching, learning and evaluation will focus on the student's ability to:

  • Demonstrate accounting skills;
  • Show an awareness of business interests in the economy and the responsibility of Canadian businesses as good corporate citizens to support a sustainable environment;
  • Recognize the attitude of business towards the environment, and whether or not it impinges on profit making goals.

Classroom Development

Appropriate strategies emphasize the procedures and attitudes that are practiced in and expected by business and industry. Students need an opportunity to practice accounting analysis. Practical applications such as Practice Sets, group work, and case studies, give students an opportunity to practice solving problems. Well in advance of the project, the teacher should ensure that a minimum of ten Annual Reports from companies such as the following are available: the Suma Fund, Phillip Morris, McDonald's, Globe and Mail. This topic is covered well in the Suma Fund Annual Report. Suma is a mutual fund managed by Investors Syndicate. Stock market and mutual fund listings in the Toronto Star and Globe and Mail provide the market reports and tips on reading these pages. Students should also be aware of the Most Active Listings and Standard and Poor's Indexes.

Background Information

The Accounting Introduction course gives students an opportunity to examine the Accounting Cycle and to prepare a variety of financial statements. The Ministry Guideline defines the content for this course as follows:

  • Accounting Cycle for a Service Business 50-65%
  • Multipurpose Columnar Journals 5-10%
  • Cash Control, Banking and Payroll 10-15%
  • Practical Applications 10-20%
  • Accounting-Related Careers 5%

Nature of Project

This project will give students an opportunity to examine investments that are considered friendly to the environment, in particular, the Suma Mutual Environmental Fund. Working in groups of four, students will examine the financial statements of the fund, consider the returns on such an investment and compare it with other stocks.


A suggestion for student evaluation appears at the end of the student worksheet.


0.5 periods

Outline the project:

  • Stock market pages
  • Stock groupings: industrials, mines, etc.
  • Highs, lows, close, change
  • Most active stocks
  • Stock market editorial
  • Return on investments

0.5 periods

Consider the specific investments in Suma:

  • What is a mutual fund?
  • Attributes of an environmental mutual fund;
  • Note commonalities, missing stock groups.

0.5 periods

  • Record the high, low, close, and change Suma stocks;
  • Select a leading industrial stock where the impact on the environment is questioned (for example, Phillip Morris, McDonald's, Exxon);
  • Compare the Suma findings with other stocks. 1 period
  • Calculate percentage increase/decrease using a calculator, the Works spreadsheet on the MacIntosh or the Lotus 1-2-3 on a DOS/Windows computer.

0.5 periods

  • Review the Annual Reports of companies involved in your investigations;
  • Locate the Balance Sheet and Income Statement;
  • Peruse the Annual Report for any claims regarding the environment;
  • Comment on the returns of environmental investments and other leading indicators;
  • Consider whether environmental mutuals make worthwhile investments.

0.5 periods

  • Prepare a summary sheet for each group of students.


  1. For each stock listed, indicate the environmental criteria which place them in the Suma fund, or why they could not be placed in the fund.
  2. Record any mention of the environment found in each company's Annual Report.
  3. Compare returns on environmental investments with non-environmental ones.
  4. Answer the following question: In your opinion, are environmental mutual funds worthwhile financial and moral investments?
  5. Attach a copy of an article from a current newspaper or periodical which highlights business and investor concern for the environment. Explain why you agree or disagree with the position taken.

How to fill out the Chart

  1. Locate and record stock market information for each stock listed in the Suma Investments' environmental fund.
  2. Record similar information for two other leading industrial stocks such as McDonald's and Phillip Morris.
  3. Indicate the environmental focus of each listing.
  4. Include your opinion of investing for the environment.