Environment Science and Technology Language Culture Home


Canada's Digital Collection

This digital collection was produced under contract to the

Canada's Digital Collections Program, Industry Canada


What is the purpose of this project...


The purpose of this project was to create a uniquely Canadian collection of educational, multimedia material with an environmental focus. The targeted audiences for the information on this site are Canadian students and educators, and anyone who has an interest in environmental education.

We expect the material contained in this site to be used as a resource for class activities and discussions, information for class assignments, generating ideas and developing further topics to research or simply general knowledge. The project also promotes Canadian content as all the text and images displayed on this site were collected and developed locally.


What is in this web site


The web site contains two different types of information. The first is an edited version of the Towards an Ecozoic Curriculum, which was created by the Ontario Society for Environmental Education. The second is a multimedia compilation of projects, research and exploration of environmentally related topics and current issues in Canada.

Towards an Ecozoic Curriculum contains environmentally focused lesson plans and activities that can be easily incorporated into existing Grade 9 to 12 level courses of secondary schools in Ontario. This curriculum material has already been tested in several schools in a pilot study, which was conducted during 1994 and 1995. The lesson guides and activities are grouped in to four main categories: Environment; Science and Technology; Language and Culture, and each of these categories are further divided into related subject areas.

The Environment category has been expanded to include the multimedia section mentioned above. This section consists of four topics:

Closer Look at Ontario Closer Look at Ontario
Urban Land Use Urban Land Use
Canadian Aquatic Ecosystems Canadian Aquatic Ecosystems
Urban Forestry Urban Forestry

What's next....


We hope, in the future, to continue the work that has been done to develop this site. There are many sections that can be enhanced with the addition of more information and images. We would also like to provide options for sifting through the Ecozoic document by topic, course, grade level and so on. This would maximize the use of the information in ways that are most convenient for our users.

There are also plans to provide for more user-interaction on the site, which will include the opportunity for users to make contributions to the content of the site in the form of new links, text and /or images.




Site Map

Site Map