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Canadian Aquatic Ecosystems

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Toronto Harbour


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Shoreline Habitat Enhancement at Spadina Quay Parklands is an area of great interest to many conservationists and city planners. Toronto Bay at one time supported a broad variety of fish and wildlife habitat. Over time, these habitats have changed due to the many pressures of a growing city, and major port developments.

The north shore of the inner harbour is a series of existing lakefill embayments bordered by vertical seawalls and a deeply dredged nearshore area. The existing conditions are not conducive to productive fish and wildlife habitat, with the exception of the Spadina Marina.

The Spadina Marina has provided a degree of protection from the harsh waves of the inner Harbour. This protected environment allows for the development of extensive submerged aquatic macrophytes and a resident fish community.

The Spadina Quay Parklands are the latest addition to the City of Toronto's 40 acre Harbourfront Parks System. The City is proposing shoreline habitat enhancement along the parklands bordered by the Marina to the south and Spadina Quay to the east. The proposal will potentially transform a barren parking lot into a diverse and ecologically stable wetland that provides a variety of terrestrial and aquatic plant communities.