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Selected Images from OUR Urban Forest


This Web site was conceived and developed by two Undergraduate students at the University of Toronto. Lisa Bonney and Christine Ali. This is a selection of favorite trees in our neighbourhood.


The Toronto Islands as seen from the CN Tower.


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The Toronto Islands began life as a peninsula along the south east edge of the City of York. The Islands were separated from the mainland by a great storm in 1850 that created the Eastern Gap.

At the turn of the century the Islands were a busy recreational area with an amusement park, a hotel and many cottages. Today cottages (now homes) remain on only two of the islands.



Muggs Island


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If you look closely near the blue sign on the beach you will see some of this islands inhabitants. Muggs Island is the location of a bird sanctuary.



Muggs Island and Hanlen's Point


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This is a view of Toronto from a boat headed south towards Gibralter Point.

Muggs Island is to the right and Hanlen's Point on the left hand side.



Yachts at the IYC



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The Island Yacht Club (IYC) is located on Muggs Island.

It is one of three Yacht Clubs on the Islands.



North East View of Toronto from the CN Tower


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This Park located on Spadina just South of King Street

is just one of the many parks in our Urban Forest.


Our Favorite Tree

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This tree in a North York Neighbourhood has had to accommodate overhead powerlines.

Learn more about the problems of urban trees.