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Air Pollution

Subject Area

This activity is designed for the Grade 11 advanced or General Chemistry curriculum. It can be specifically applied in Core Unit 3: Gases, Core Unit 4: Chemical Reactions, Core Unit 7: Industry and Society in SCH3AI, and Core Unit 5: Acids and Bases or Optional Unit: Environmental Chemistry in the SCA3GI curriculum.

Learning Outcomes

Teaching, learning and evaluation will focus on the student's ability to:

  • Conduct independent research into one type of air pollution;
  • Interpret and present information in a poster format;
  • Participate in a group collectively gathering information on several types of air pollution;
  • Extrapolate concepts from chemistry to issues of air pollution;
  • Express an understanding of the severity of our air pollution problems.

Classroom Development

  1. Organize students into groups of four. Each individual may be responsible for researching one aspect of Air Pollution. One period should be spent on individual research, then the members of the group come together, share their research, and discuss their ideas for designing their poster. In some instances, it may be desirable for the teacher to divide responsibilities and provide direction for the students on the production of the poster. Ideally, the students should be made aware that their ability to work in a group is part of the evaluation.
  2. To facilitate the research process, materials can be gathered and brought to the classroom for students' perusal. The material may either be for research purposes or to help students decide on how best to present information.
  3. Students will present their finished work to the class and provide any explanation or additional information. All students will be responsible for gathering the data presented in the poster. Distribute copies of the attached "Air Pollution Summary Sheet" to aid in the collection of information.


  • One class period should be reserved for research.
  • One class period will be required to present posters and gather data from them on the attached "Air Pollution Summary Sheet."

Cross-disciplinary Links

Visual Arts - You may wish to draw upon the services of the Visual Arts instructor for assistance in the preparation of the posters.

Geography - In Geography classes, students may wish to also study the effects of climate and physical geography on air pollution.

Mathematics - Within the Mathematics curriculum, there is room to address aspects of this activity through the presentation of statistical information in graphical form. The Biology curriculum can consider this activity within the context of the impact of pollutants on life forms.

Air Pollution

Student's Guide


The purpose of this activity is to create a poster which presents information gathered on an air pollutant.


Choose one of the following conditions which impact on the environment:

  • Acid Deposition
  • Ozone Depletion
  • Greenhouse Effect
  • Temperature Inversion
  • Photochemical Smog


Using your own sources, library resources, and material that your teacher may provide, research your chosen condition, making sure that you include references to the:

  • Cause of the condition;
  • Chemical compounds involved in the formation or the effect of the condition;
  • Reactions and processes involved in the condition;
  • Effect of the condition on plants, animals, humans, infrastructure;
  • Solutions to the condition.


Your group will be responsible for the production of a poster which will contain information you have been able to glean from your research. The impact of the poster should be visual, but you will have to make sure that enough information is provided for others gain a solid understanding of the main mechanisms of the condition. Use graphs, charts, pictures or cartoons if you can.

After the posters are completed, your group will present the poster to the class, and each member of the class will be responsible for gathering information on all of the topics based on the posters you have produced.

Air Pollution Summary Sheet

 Type  Cause  Effect  Solution  Chemistry
Acid Deposition        
Ozone Depletion         
Greenhouse Effect         
Photochemical Smog         
Temperature Inversion