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Applications of Exponential and Logarithmic Functions

Subject Area

This activity has been designed for the Mathematics MAT 4A1 curriculum, after the section on Exponential and Logarithmic Functions.

Learning Outcomes

  • Teaching, learning and evaluation will focus on the student's ability to:
  • Review and consolidate skills in exponential and logarithmic calculations;
  • Discover through the use of mathematical skills the rate of growth of the world's population and the implications of that continued growth;
  • Interpret data which express the relationships among population growth, gross domestic product, inflation rate, and population density;
  • Learn applications and implications of exponential growth.

Classroom Development

  1. This unit should be done after the section on Exponential and Logarithmic Functions.
  2. Review using exponential functions in compound interest questions.
  3. Introduce the topic using the examples given. It will be necessary to define some terminology such as GDP, arable, per capita.
  4. Students could work cooperatively in small groups solving the questions for the countries listed. An alternative would be for the students to refer to the resource listed and investigate countries of their choice. The resource contains many additional data items that could be investigated in the similar ways-some examples are defense spending, education spending, health care costs, trade balances.
  5. Use class discussion time to see that the mathematics has been done correctly and to review the skills being used. Discuss the exponential nature of population growth.
  6. Spend some class time to discuss some of the implications of population growth, gross domestic product, inflation rate, and population density.


Allow two periods for the completion of this activity.


Samuelson, Robert J. Book of Vital Word Statistics, The Economist Books, Times Books. Random House, New York: 1990.

Student Activities

Applications of Exponential and Logarithmic Functions


The table below shows various statistics for Canada in 1988, and annual real growth rates.

 ITEM  1988 Data  Real Growth Rate
 Population 26 million +0.9%
GDP per capita $18 834 +3.5%
Forests 38% of land area +0.6%
Price of Milk $1.19 per litre +4.0%
Price of Bread $176 per kilogram +4.0%

Example 1

Recalculate the data for the year 2008.


i) Population = 26(1.009)20
 = 26(1.196254)
 = 31.1 million
ii) Total GDP in 1988  = (26 million people) X ($18 834 per person)
 = $489 684 million
Total GDP in 2008  = 489 684(1.035)20
 = $974 368 million
GDP per capita in 2008  = $974 368 million ÷ 31.1
 = $31 330
iii) Price of milk in 2008  = 1.19 (1.04)20
= 1.19 (2.1911)
 = $2.61 per litre
v) Price of bread in 2008

 = 1.76 (1.04)20
= 1.76 (2.1911)
 = $3.86 per kilogram

Example 2

In what year will the population of Canada be 50 million people?


Let the number of years required be n.

50 = 26 (1.009)n
log50 = log [26 (1.009)n]
log50 = log 26 + n log 1.009
n = log 50 - log 26 / log 1.009
n = 72.89
n = 73 years

Therefore, Canada's human population will be 50 million in 2061.



The table below shows various statistics for Mexico, Nigeria, and the United Kingdom in 1988, and annual real growth rates. Use the information in this table to answer the questions that follow.

 ITEM  Mexico  Nigeria  United Kingdom
 Population 82.73 million 105.0 million 57.08 million
Annual Growth Rate +2.1 % +3.3% +0.3%
 GDP per capita $2102 $287 $14 477
Annual Growth Rate +1.0% -1.3% +2.8%
Price/L of milk $0.67 $2.39 $0.95
Price/kg of bread $1.31 $2.46 $1.40
Annual Inflation Rate +7.8% +38.25% +5.3%


  1. a) Calculate the population and GDP per capita for each country in the year 2008.
    b) In Mexico in 1988, the average person spent approximately $500 on food. Use the inflation rate to calculate the cost of this food in the year 2008. Compare this figure with the GDP per capita in 2008.
    c) Use the information given below to state which of the countries listed have increasing GDP per capita, and which have decreasing GDP per capita.

     Country Annual Population Growth Rate Annual GDP Growth Rate Increasing or Decreasing
    India +2.0% +5.7%  
    France +0.4% +1.9%  
    Jamaica +1.8% +1.2%  
    Kenya +4.9% +4.3%  
    Sri Lanka +1.5% +4.2%  


  2. At the present growth rate, when will the population of Nigeria reach 150 million people?
  3. The area of the United Kingdom is 244 000 square km. Calculate the population density in 1988, in 2000, and in 2050.
  4. The area of Nigeria is 910 770 square km.Of this area, 34.4% is arable.
    (a) Calculate the area of arable land.
    (b) Calculate the population density per square kilometer of arable land in 1988 and 2020.
  5. The area of Canada is 9 222 970 square km. Of this area, 5.0% is arable.
    (a) Calculate the area of arable land.
    (b) Calculate the population density per square kilometer of arable land in 1988 and 2020.
  6. Calculate the price of a litre of milk in Mexico in 2020.
  7. When will the price of a kilogram of bread be $10.00?
    (a) In Mexico?
    (b) In Nigeria?
    (c) In the United Kingdom?
  8. In Mexico, 23% of the land area is forest. The land is being deforested at the rate of 1.1% per year.
    (a) What percentage of the land will be forest in 20 years?
    (b) How many years will it take for the percentage of forested land to be reduced by 15%?
  9. In what year will the price of a litre of milk be the same in both Mexico and the United Kingdom?