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How do You Feel About the Environment?

Program Area

This activity may be used in the Grade 9 Mathematics, Science and Technology, or in the advanced and general Grade 10 Mathematics course as part of, or a supplement to, the sections on statistics.

Learning Outcomes

  • Teaching, learning and evaluation will focus on the student's ability to:
  • Complete a questionnaire and evaluate its effectiveness as a statistical data gathering tool;
  • Record, present, and analyze a set of raw data;
  • Use statistical measures and techniques to study the data;
  • Use the results of the data to evaluate their attitudes toward environmental issues or concerns and to compare their attitudes with those of their classmates and with what a concerned societal attitude should be.

Classroom Development

Not all of these suggestions are meant to be followed in each of the above mentioned classes. Teachers should do those parts which are appropriate for their course and their students.

  1. In all classes, use this unit toward the end of the section on statistics.
  2. Have students complete the questionnaire.
  3. If time permits, it may be appropriate to go over the questionnaire with the class (after they have completed it individually) to discuss some of the issues and what the appropriate societal responses are.
  4. Have students tabulate "would" and "should" responses.
  5. Have students discuss the results and find appropriate measures of average tendency and of central tendency.
  6. Students should use the results of their analysis to evaluate and compare their attitudes with societal norms.
  7. Students could pay particular attention to questions where the correlation between "would" and "should" answers is very high and very low and try to explain these extremes.


Allow 2 periods


This work was provided to us courtesy of Velta Mitrevics. The document is attached and may be reproduced in whole or in part for classroom use.

Environmental Attitude-Behaviour Survey

The purpose of this quiz is to survey the general knowledge that students hold about their environment. The survey was designed to give short situational descriptions related to their environment. It asked the students to indicate what they would do in the situation and then what they know they should do. The survey was given to 49 grade seven students. The results were analyzed and clearly show that media and public education have been quite successful in changing children's attitudes from passive observers to those of active environmental participators. A high proportion of the group knew what should be done in any given situation but for some reason, they did not carry through and put their knowledge into action. This may be attributed to the social pressures which accompany adolescence. We as teachers clearly have much work still to do with environmental education.

Velta Mitrevics

June 1991

An Environmental Practices Quiz


Read each of the following situations. Then select the response you would give and the one you should give.

  1. You are having a party for your friends after school. Your parents gave you $10.00 to buy pop. Which of the following do you buy?
    (a) 48 cans of pop
    (b) 24-16 oz glass bottles of pop
    (c) 4-1.5 L plastic bottles
    (d) 5-1 L returnable bottles (plus deposit)
    I would choose ___ I should choose ___


  2. It's Father's Day and you found a great gift for your father. Now you have to wrap it so it will be a surprise. What will you use for wrapping?
    (a) White tissue gift wrap purchased at the drug store
    (b) Brightly coloured foil gift wrap purchased at the drug store
    (c) Brightly coloured advertising inserts from the weekend paper
    (d) Paper bag decorated with felt markers
    I would choose ___ I should choose ___


  3. Your mother is preparing for a special dinner. She asks you to go to the corner store to get some whipping cream. She gives you the money and says, "Choose whatever looks best."
    (a) You buy a carton of whipping cream.
    (b) You buy prepared whipping cream in an aerosol container.
    (c) You buy "Cool Whip" in a plastic tub.
    (d) You buy a product called "Near Whip" in an aerosol container.
    I would choose ___ I should choose ___


  4. You and your family are visiting your aunt-a pretty boring time. She gives you some money and says, "Why don't you go to the plaza to buy yourself a magazine". The plaza is about 1 km away from her house. How do you get there?
    (a) Your older brother offers to drive you and you accept.
    (b) You ask permission and borrow your aunt's bicycle.
    (c) You decide to take public transit.
    (d) Your cousin says she will drive you over on her new motor scooter.
    I would choose ____ I should choose ____


  5. You are on a Student Council Committee called the School Improvement Group. Four proposals have been submitted for changing part of the school ground. Only one can be financed. Which do you choose?
    (a) A paved area for a new outdoor volleyball court
    (b) An outdoor mini-golf course
    (c) A fenced space for storing and locking bicycles
    (d) A "wild area" where plants can grow naturally
    I would choose ___ I should choose ___


  6. The school is considering fundraising campaigns to pay for the improvement to school property. Which would you vote for?
    (a) Selling chocolate covered almonds
    (b) Raffle tickets for an airplane ride over Toronto
    (c) Selling collections of 20 bottles of spices for cooking
    (d) Selling specially designed Tupperware containers for "litterless lunches"
    I would choose ___ I should choose ___


  7. Your mom has started a full time job and cannot make your lunch for you anymore. You decide to make your own and bring it to school. Do you pack:
    (a) A sandwich in plastic wrap and a juice tetra box?
    (b) A sandwich in plastic wrap and a can of pop?
    (c) A sandwich packed in a Tupperware container and a bottle of juice?
    (d) Nothing, but buy a hamburger in the cafeteria?
    I would choose ___ I should choose ___


  8. It is the 25th Anniversary of the School. Everyone agrees something special should be done. Which activity would you support?
    (a) Send helium balloons containing greetings to other schools from the roof of the school.
    (b) Organize a parade through the community.
    (c) Hold a dance for all students with free pop, chips and ice cream.
    (d) Contribute money on behalf of the school to the "Save the Wildlife" Fund.
    I would choose ___ I should choose ___


  9. You notice that your parents are putting some things in your "Blue Box" that can't be recycled. You mention it to your Dad and he says, "If your so concerned about it, sort it out yourself!". What do you do?
    (a) Get a pamphlet on recycling and leave it on your parents' bed.
    (b) Do nothing. "If they don't care, I don't care!"
    (c) Be careful about what you put in the box, but let them do what they want.
    (d) Volunteer to take out the "Blue Box" after removing the items that don't belong.
    I would choose ___ I should choose ___


  10. Your eighteenth birthday is next week. Your rich uncle says, "You were always my favourite. You're old enough to drive now; I want to buy you a vehicle of your own to go down town to university. What kind do you want? You ask for...
    (a) a dune buggy
    (b) a fuel efficient mini car
    (c) a motorcycle
    (d) a "top-of-the-line" mountain bike
    I would choose ___ I should choose ___