Shoreline Safety
Do Not Underestimate the Power of the Sea!
When you are near the sea, become familiar with the pattern of the tides and you will be less likely to be swept out  

.When Climbing Cliffs; make sure that if there is only one way down a steep cliff that you can find a safe way to get back up.
Watch out for Rogue Waves; unusually high and powerful waves that have swept unwary beach combers to their deaths.

Purple Shore Crab
Keep an Eye Out
Always look at the line of debris along the beach for weed, shells and color changes on vertical rock faces, for they will help you indicate the level to which the water is likely to rise.
Purple Urchin
Opalescent Nudibranch
Goose Barnacles
Always check access to and from a beach or rocky shore keeping an eye on the rising water level, so that you do not run the risk of being cut off from exiting the shoreline.  
Purple Sea Star
Hermit Crab  
Sea Cucumber