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1 Lebanon: The gateway between two worlds, 1890

Facts - Map of Lebanon
National Symbols

Hello, my name is Omar. I'm six years old and I live in a village called Deir Mimas in the country of Lebanon. My father and grandfather sell goods in our village market, and so has everyone else in my family for many generations.

My father sells fruits and vegetables at the market every day except Sunday. My mother makes pottery, weaving, and clothing for him to sell, too. On Saturday, because there is no school, father takes me to the market with him.

The market is the most exciting place I have ever seen! Almost everyone in our village has a stall and they can find almost everything they need there. Father often trades his goods for things our family needs from other stalls. He says trading is good when people have no money to spend. This way, everyone in the village gets what they need and nobody has to go without.

Many people from other villages come to our market. Some people even come from as far away as Beirut! I like hearing all the stories about their travels. Maybe someday I will travel to a far away place and tell stories of my own while selling goods.....
