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One of the rumours around Fort Henry is that it was built backwards. This was, supposedly, due to the fact that an engineer switched plans with a similar project in Kingston, Jamaica. The poor engineer was reportedly disgraced, packed his bag and committed suicide upon arriving home.

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Although none of this is true, it stretches the thoughts to some historical facts that may have caused the birth of this myth. One could suspect that this could point out faults in the construction of the fort or weakness in its design.

In order to examine this issue and scrutinize the effectiveness of the fort and its weapons, we need to look at the following:

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small_cannon.gif (13070 bytes) The Historical Background
small_cannon.gif (13070 bytes) The Strategic and Tactical Planning Behind
the Concept
small_cannon.gif (13070 bytes) The Contemporary Fortification Theories
small_cannon.gif (13070 bytes) The Level of Military Technology at That Time,
the Available Weapons and Their Characteristics
small_cannon.gif (13070 bytes) The Construction of Fort Henry

You may also

Go to the Fort Henry Virtual Explorer and take a virtual tour!

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