Finlayson Residence

"My father and family lived in one [a log building] at the north-west corner of the fort. There I first saw the light of day and, as far as I know am the only person now living who was born in the old fort."
B.C. Archives
Quote taken from Mrs.J.C.Keith (nee Finlayson)
Province, 1925. Vertical clipping files d#19 frame0569

"Mrs. Finlayson was always loving and kind. She still lives in my garden in the shape of some beautiful poppies. The lovely picnics that Mr. and Mrs.Finlayson gave were always a delight. There were no moving pictures and other distractions in those days. We had no Clubs or Leagues and never dreamed of having a vote, that was left for the men to settle. Just the cares of children and family and entertainment were left to the Ladies and were all the duties that counted for anything. No bridge, but I do not think the spirit of boredom had attacked the place."

B.C. Archives
Martha Douglas Harris early reminiscences
AddMss 2789/box 1/file#12

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Content provided by: Heritage Branch, Province of British Columbia.
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Questions or comments: Jennifer Iredale, curator.