Canada's Digital Collections Team

Victoria, B.C. ~ Summer '97

Our team spent three months updating and creating three different projects. As a team, with different skills and backgrounds, we worked together and had one of the best summers ever! Here we are, posing in historic costume at Helmcken House...


Troy Whitbread

Project Manager

As Project Manager for this web site, Troy's responsibilities included building this site from scratch. This was composed of developing the site concept and layout, working with the curator and programmers to develop the site content, and building site templates for development by other members of the team. He also worked extensively to train team members and staff on the finer points of html and graphics design.

Troy has a BA in Art History and a Diploma in Cultural Resource Management from the University of Victoria. He also has experience in Graphics Design and computer instruction. He is now working on putting museums across North America on the web through his company, Heritage Alley Internet Productions, one project of which has been through the Smithsonian Institution's Center for Museum Studies in Washington, D.C.

His e-mail address is:

Suzanne Vanderven

Suzanne is a partner of the company Industrial Art Internet Group. She has her diploma in Visual Arts with her main focus on Graphic Design and Photography. Suzanne has worked on the projects Point Ellice Collection of Household Victoriana Phase II, Emily Carr at Home and at Work and is currently developing The B.C. Archives Time Machine web site. Her e-mail address is

Kathryn Wilson

Kathryn is a graduate of the University of Victoria with a double major in Geography and Environmental Studies. She provided research, illustrations, writing and graphics for the "People" section of Helmcken House. Kathryn loves nature and all things old fashioned, and is pursuing a career in web design, graphics, illustration and interpretative display. She worked on the Point Ellice Collection of Household Victoriana last year. You can drop her a line at

Carollyne Yardley

Graphics Design, Photography, HTML, Scanning, RBCM Docent

Carollyne is a partner of the company Industrial Art Internet Group. She has a double major in Psychology and Art History from the University of Victoria. Her areas of study focused on consumer and marketing psychology and Indigenous arts. Carollyne was the writer and designer for the Manufacturers Biographies on the Point Ellice Site site. She also created the Fun and Games section for kids in the Victoriana for Children, and added information to the database. Carollyne created and developed the Teacher's Corner section on the Craigflower Schoolhouse and Farm site and is currently developing the B.C. Archives Time Machine web site, Haig-Brown House, and the Marble Palace (Legislative Buildings) site. Carollyne loves the museum and antiques. She hopes to be able to vacuum the Woolly Mammoth in the RBCM one day! Carollyne's e-mail is:

Sean Allen

"Sean is suffering from sleep deprivation..."
-Sean's mum

Graham Nott

Graham is working towards a BSc in Biology at the University of Victoria, although he has taken a diverse course load thus far. He has a passion for architecture, so he may be an architect. However, working with computers will always be part of his lifestyle. Travelling is his absolute favourite pastime, but he cut short his trip to Europe this summer for the opportunity to help create the Helmcken House site.

Graham would love to hear from you. His e-mail address is: (and he already knows his kilt is too low).

Sabina Proulx

Sabina is a visual artist with a Diploma in Visual Arts from Camosun College. A multifaceted artist, Sabina has experience working with a variety of media. Apart from computer graphics, other outlets for her creativity are photography, animation, graphic design, painting, drawing, and printmaking. She finds computer generated art interesting and challenging, and has recently focused her artistic talent on producing illustrations and creative graphic design for both print and web page formats.

Sabina worked on the Helmcken House Virtual Tour and produced title bar graphics, icon bars, html formatting and photography for both the Virtual Tour and Artefact Collections. Sabina's homepage is:
Or you can contact her at: or

Jessica Young

As a native Victorian, Jessica had a great time learning about her city's history, while getting lost amongst piles of dusty archives records, and reels of microfilm. She created the Fort Life section, and greatly enjoyed working with the fabulous SchoolNet team. She is currently working on a Bachelor of Science in Geography at both Camosun College and the University of Victoria. Her passion is for environmental processes, such as hydrology, and meteorology as well as for resource management. As an avid outdoor enthusiast, and environmentalist she may be seen, hiking or mountain biking in the local area, or perhaps travelling through Europe next year. In closing she would like to thank SchoolNet for the great experience, and her co-workers for all the fun.

She would love to hear your comments and can be reached at

Miranda Handford

Miranda has second year standing at the University of Victoria, Fine Arts Department. She is currently training to be an actor at the National Theatre School of Canada in Montreal. She created the People and Then & Now sections of Hudson's Bay Company at Fort Victoria. This summer has been Miranda's first time working with the SchoolNet team, and she would like to give everyone a standing "O" for the spirit, sense of fun, and commitment.

Joni McManus

This is Joni's second year working with the SchoolNet team, and again on the Emily Carr site. She was responsible for general site revisions, as well as adding two new segments: Architectural drawings in the Building preservation section of Current Issues, as well as an Articles segment within the Writing Section. For more information, visit the Carr site team page.
Joni's email is:

~ Acknowledgements ~

Below are the organisations that provided generous support to our endeavours. Thanks a lot, guys!!!

Federal Government

Industry Canada - SchoolNet Digital Collections

Provincial Government

Heritage Branch

Information Systems Branch

B.C. Archives

Royal B.C. Museum

Local Heritage Sites

Carr House

Helmcken House

Point Ellice House

Other Organizations

Hudson's Bay Company Archives

Art Gallery of Greater Victoria

Vancouver Art Gallery







Visit Canada's Digital Collections
Produced by Digital Collections Team under contract to Industry Canada.
Content provided by: Heritage Branch, Province of British Columbia.
All graphics, text and html pages copyright Province of British Columbia
Questions or comments: Jennifer Iredale, curator.