Arthur Bushby

Arthur Bushby

"...I sang Goodbye sweetheart & then we played cards Brew Bob Miss Aggie Douglas & myself - they say she looks with no savage eye on me - and true she is a stunning girl. black eye & hair & larky like the devil half a mind to go in for her..."

Bushby, Arthur. "Diary" Saturday, January 1 1859. New Westminster Museum Archives, Special Collections.

Agnes Bushby

"Fort Garry
19th July 1862

My dearest Cecilia,

I have just received your very short letter of the 13th of May telling me about dear Agnes' wedding. The letters made me feel so nervous and shaky that I cannot write properly...And so Agnes is married at last poor dear girl I know they will be very very happy if dear Arthur is not too exacting. He is such a good creature and a perfect gentleman and I could not wish her to marry anyone better...

I am your loving sister
Jane Dallas"

Dallas, Jane. "Letters" B.C. Archives.


Picnic at Burrard Inlet

Arthur Bushby arrived at Fort Victoria in 1858 and served under the Hudson's Bay Company as a clerk. He travelled with Judge Matthew Begbie for a time which coincided with him asking Agnes Douglas to marry. James Douglas was not enthusiastic about the proposal, and so may have sent Bushby away from Victoria and so away from his daughter. Arthur did return, however, and married Agnes. They are on the right of the picture above, having a picnic with friends on Burrard Inlet. In 1861 he was made registrar-general of deeds for British Columbia, and lived in New Westminster.


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