PEOPLE HBC Primary Source Material

Primary Source Material

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Hudson's Bay Company Lists, reel #1M814.

Douglas' Diary: Journey to Sitka, Victoria, and Fort Simpson, A/B/40/D75.4

Roderick Finlayson's Autobiography, A/B/30/F49.

Richard Blanshards Settlers Lists, AddMss 611/file#8

Correspondence to James Douglas inward 1849-59 from the HBC Main Office in London [letter February 8/1850], A/C/20/vi7

Land Settlement Agreement with The Vancouver Island Natives, A/C/20/vi7

Emiline Mohun Papers, E/E/M72

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Content provided by: Heritage Branch, Province of British Columbia.
All graphics, text and html pages copyright Province of British Columbia
Questions or comments: Jennifer Iredale, curator.