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Laing Ferguson

Arthropod Tracks

Laing Ferguson

Laing Ferguson is a self-described "fossil man". From his childhood in Scotland to his present position as Director of Geoscience at Mount Allison University in Sackville, New Brunswick, the immensity of geological time has always captivated him.

In 1964, Laing discovered three sets of Arthropod tracks in a huge slab of rock at Joggins, Nova Scotia (a cast of this find is on display at Mount Allison University). Since then, he has guided thousands of students and palaeontologists from around the world on field trips to the fossil cliffs, sharing his knowledge and enthusiasm.

Spotting fossils requires patience, he says. "If you stand still and LOOK, the unusual shapes of the fossils in the rocks will jump out at you. Don't move around too quickly, take your time. They've been there for millions of years, they're not going to run away!"

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