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Today's Fossil Finders

Erwin Zodrow Erwin Zodrow

Erwin Zodrow specialises in chemotaxonomy -- the science of describing plants by their chemical nature.

Howard van Allen Howard van Allen

Howard's fine arts background has been a great help in his work at the Brule fossil site, where he makes casts of the trackways and sculpts models of the animals that may have made the footprints.

Laing Ferguson Laing Ferguson

The immensity of geological time has always captivated this "fossil man."

Tim Fedak Tim Fedak

Tim's work to date with the fossil material at Parrsboro has been invaluable to the world of palaeontology.

John Calder John Calder

A geologist and palaeontologist, John is presently studying the fossilised forest and trackways of Brule and the ancient ecology of Joggins.

Don Reid Don Reid

A true fossil enthusiast, Don Reid has collected beach fossils at Joggins for as long as he can remember.

Neil Shubin Neil Shubin

Neil Shubin's greatest achievement to date was his monumental discovery of Triassic-Jurassic fossils at Parrsboro, Nova Scotia.

Andrew MacRae Andrew MacRae

Andrew uses palynology to discover answers and solve tricky geological problems in the Canadian Arctic.

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