On Friday evening a meeting of the baseball fans was held in the Town Hall
and plans were made to put a team in the field that would be a credit to
Fort Frances. The meeting was called to order by Art. Torseth and the following
officers were elected for the year: President, Ted Berge, Vice President,
Art. Mathieu, Sec.-Treas., A. V. Haley, Manager, R. Bailey.
Loyally supported by the public and Town Council Fort Frances Hockey Teams
have provided us with good clean sport and now with the coming of the Baseball
Season many of the many of the hockey players are out to put Fort Frances
on the map as a baseball town as well.
Walter Woodward, manager of the Backus Greys, R. Bailey, Trainer of the
Town Hockey team, Torseth, Goodwin, Morris, McMillan, Mathieu and others
of both hockey teams are behind this movement and respectfully ask the public
to extend to baseball the same support they gave to hockey.
You sporting fans out there who braved the coldest nights of the winter
to cheer these boys in many a hard fought hockey match come turn out again
and boost, boost for baseball.