Fort Frances Times and Rainy Lake Herald
May 7, 1925


A number of golf enthusiasts are working on the establishment of a golf club and golf course at the point park. The grounds have been gone over with a view of ascertaining their suitability for a short 9 hole course. It is the opinion of those who know the game, that sufficient ground adjoins the pavilion to provide and excellent golf course.
The grounds could be made suitable for this attractive pastime with very little initial expense, Messrs. W. T. Russel and H. Marr are active in arranging for the inception of the club. A petition for membership is being circulated, and it is considered that a $5.00 fee from membership of 50 will be sufficient to put the course in shape for this season.
Anyone interested in this sport might get in touch with either of these gentlemen. It is desirable that the matter should be taken up at once. Members of the Parks Board have been interviewed regarding the use of the grounds and they appear quite favourably disposed toward the project. As soon as the necessary members are secured, application will be made to the Parks Board for the use of the ground. it is intended to have ladies join and no doubt there are quite a number who will be glad to participate.

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