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The Gold Rush of 1858
In early 1858 news was spreading that rich deposits of gold had been discovered in the Fraser River.

A massive influx of people into present-day British Columbia began. Gold seekers abandoned the American territories in huge numbers and headed north to find their fortune.
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The allure of gold extended far across the world, attracting men from all over the United States, Europe and even Australia.
This invasion of miners was a direct challenge to British authorities on Vancouver Island. The Island was a newly established British Crown colony, formed in 1849 under the governance of James Douglas. The colony did not extend to the mainland region called New Caledonia, which was under the jurisdiction of the Hudson's Bay Company. Despite not having official command over New Caledonia, the British were determined that it would not become an American territory.


Revolver - Do you have a permit for this?

Words and Music
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Ned McGowan was a crooked judge from San Francisco way
As vigilantes purged the town, McGowan slipped away
To the goldfields of the Fraser where he quickly drew acclaim
With the wave of "Forty-niners" from Californ-i-ay, In the year of '58

As winter came, the gravel froze, so they couldn't pan for gold
Bravado mixed with whiskey, as they tried to beat the cold
Up pipes Ned McGowan "boys, are ya feeling very bold?"
What say we all kick up a fuss and start ourselves a war?

If you lived to be a hundred, and you roamed the wide world over
You'd never live to see the likes of Ned McGowan's war

In the town of Yale that Christmas day, two of McGowan's men
Pistol-whipped the barber and they snuck right back again
To Hill's Bar and Ned McGowan, and he tells them never fear,
For the Justice of the Peace has no jurisdiction here
And we'll turn him on his ear!"

When word came back to Hill's Bar that their constable was gaoled
They deputized McGowan's men to bring him back from Yale
They stormed into the courtroom, took the Justice custody
Then they fined him fifty dollars and they went out on a spree

If you lived to be a hundred, and you roamed the wide world over
You'd never live to see the likes of Ned McGowan's war

Safe - a.k.a. Strongbox!
Pocket Watch - tick, tock
Concertina or 'Squeeze Box'

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