archit06.gif (1405 bytes)
Building a mill
commun05.gif (1320 bytes)
View of Lomond
commun14.gif (1583 bytes)
Lomond mill and town
fishin01.gif (2788 bytes)
Tuna in Lomond
histor02.gif (2063 bytes)
Logging camp
histor05.gif (1272 bytes)
Float plane at Lomond
misc44.gif (1344 bytes)
The Comeau
histor06.gif (1628 bytes)
First road to Deer lake
ships01.gif (1478 bytes)
Boat full of wood
rescan11.gif (1927 bytes)
Huge tuna fish
misc18.gif (1846 bytes)
Church at woods camp
rescan13.gif (1482 bytes)
Coastal steamer
misc46.gif (1985 bytes)
Log drive
recrea01.gif (1996 bytes)
Fishing on Lomond river
recrea06.gif (1318 bytes)
Walking on thick ice
recrea07.gif (1573 bytes)
Fishing near a waterfall
recrea08.gif (1731 bytes)
Skiing in Lomond
recrea09.gif (1607 bytes)
Choosing the right fly
recrea13.gif (1931 bytes)
Waiting for the big bite
rescan01.gif (1843 bytes)
Log raft at Lomond
rescan07.gif (1623 bytes)
Boat-schooner full of wood
ships05.gif (1716 bytes)
Leaving for Liverpool
ships06.gif (1481 bytes)
Schooner from Britain
strange1.gif (1592 bytes)
Building the raft
strange3.gif (1915 bytes)
Men at work
strange5.gif (1357 bytes)
The million log raft
transp02.gif (1848 bytes)
Car in Lomond
transp03.gif (1411 bytes)
A cruise ship  the Northstar
transp04.gif (1312 bytes)
Plane at Lomond
transp05.gif (1856 bytes)
A snowmobile
transp07.gif (1886 bytes)
Dog team
transp11.gif (1486 bytes)
First car in Lomond