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If you have questions about any of the information contained in this site, you can contact the Quebec Farmers' Association at

Tele-commuting Farmers

If you are a school in Quebec, the Quebec Farmers' Association can assist you to arrange for a farmer or other agricultural expert to speak to your class or project group via telecommunications. Use of a speakerphone is an easy and affordable way to bring a far-away agricultural speaker into your classroom.

Want know how apple producers use integrated pest management? How does a farmer keep track of all those beef cows from one rotational pasture to the next?

The QFA can arrange for speakers by telephone, advise how to set up and use a speakerphone, and, if both parties have compatible computer software, do presentations by telephony.

Have a farmer telecommute to your classroom - write to

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Agromedia : English : Tele-Commute