Grade 10 History
Home Page Table of Contents Unit Introduction Unit Outline Unit Overview

This unit is designed for individual students, although it does incorporate some group work. Throughout the project each student will filter possible candidates to fit their criteria of a Canadian Hero and assess how this individual contributed to the Canadian Identity. This research will be compiled into a folder which offers both the student and teacher an opportunity to monitor progress. Eventually peers, in preparation for the final presentations, will assess other folders in small groups. Final presentations will be delivered to the class at which time each student will submit their folders. An outline of this process can be found in the Overview. By the end of the unit students are expected to have submitted
  • The 5 Project Worksheets
  • Completed Peer
  • Assessment and Peer Suggestion Sheets

Each of the sheets discussed above contains a TO BE COMPLETED BY TEACHER section, which allows you to monitor individual progress, ensuring each student is 'keeping up' with their daily activities. This section can be used daily, or weekly depending on your requirements.  I hope you find this project useful!

Home Page Table of Contents Unit Introduction Unit Outline Unit Overview