Grade 10 History
Home Page Table of Contents Unit Introduction Unit Outline Unit Overview

Topic Time Strategies Assessment
Introduction 1-2 periods
  • Groupwork: Defining a hero 
  • Mindmap
  • Presentation
  • Create a Class Definition of Hero
  • Individual Definition and Reflection (see Project Worksheet 1)
  • Presentations
  • Student Participation in Class Discussion
  • Individual Submissions of Project Worksheet 1
In Search of the Canadian Identity 1-2 periods
  • Groupwork: What does it mean to be Canadian? People, Groups and Symbols
  • Mindmap
  • Presentation to class
  • Class definition of the Canadian Identity
  • Individual Definition and Reflection (see Project Worksheet 2)
  • Presentations
  • Student Participation in Class Discussion
  • Individual Submissions of Project Worksheet 2
Applying your Definitions and Criteria 2-3 periods
  • Internet Search
  • Individual Reflection: Complete Project Worksheet 3
  • Daily Internet Progress
  • Submissions of Project Worksheet 3
Choosing your Canadian Hero 1 period
  • Internet Search: Refining Individual Selections
  • Individual Reflection: Complete Project Worksheet 4
  • Daily Internet Progress
  • Submissions of Project Worksheet 4
Research and Thesis Development 3-5 periods
  • Internet Search: Canadian Hero 
  • Tracking Individual Progress: Complete Project Worksheet 5
  • Daily Internet Progress
  • Submissions of Project Worksheet 5
Small Group Debriefing: Group Editing and Practice 1-3 periods
  • Students will meet in Groups to present their Findings in Preparation for their Final Class Presentation
  • Students will Edit and Evaluate the Findings and Preparation of their Peers
  • See Peer Assessment and Peer Suggestion Worksheets 
  • Student Participation in Group Assessment
  • Submissions of Peer Assessment and Peer Suggestion Worksheets
Class Presentations 2-3 periods (depending on class size)
  • Individual Presentations of a Canadian Hero
  • Class Tracking: Students will Listen Attentively and Participate in Class Discussion
  • Presentations (see Presentation and Project Evaluation Sheet)
  • Submissions of Completed Canadian Hero Project File
Class Debriefing 1 period
  • Socratic Lesson
  • What We've Learned
  • Participation in Class Discussion

Home Page Table of Contents Unit Introduction Unit Outline Unit Overview