Grade 10 History
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Lessons 1-4: Labour Movements

Print Sources

Abella, Irving. The Canadian Labour Movement, 1902-1960. Ottawa: Canadian Historical Society, 1975.

Avery, Donald. 'Dangerous Foreigners': European Immigrant Workers and Labour Radicalism in Canada,
        1896-1932. Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1979.

---. Canadian Labour History: Selected readings. Toronto: Copp Clark Pitman, 1994.

Copp, Terry. The Anatomy of Poverty: The Condition of the Working Class in Montreal 1897- 1929.
        Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1974.

---. Essays in Canadian Business History. Ed. Tom Travers Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1984.

---. Essays in Working Class History. Ed. Gregory S. Kealey and Peter Warrian Toronto: McClelland and
        Stewart, 1976.

Forsey, Eugene A. The Canadian Labour Movement, 1812-1902. Ottawa: Canadian Historical Association, 1974.

Heron, Craig. Canadian Labour Movement: A short history. Toronto: James Lorimer, 1996.

Heron, Craig. Working in Steel: The Early in Canada, 1883-1935. Toronto: McClelland and Stewart,

Kealey, Linda. Enlisting Women for the Cause: Women, labour, and the left in Canada, 1890-1920
        Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1998.

Morton, Desmond. Labour in Canada. Toronto: Grolier, 1982.

Morton, Desmond. Working People: An illustrated history of the Canadian labour movement. Montreal:
        McGill-Queen's University Press, 1998.

Montero, Gloria. We Stood Together: First-hand accounts of dramatic events in Canada's labour past.
        Toronto: J. Lorimer, 1979.

---. On the Job: Confronting the Labour Process in Canada. Ed. Craig Heron and Robert Storey
        Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press, 19986.

Osborne, Kenneth. Canadians at Work: Labour, unions and industry. Scarborough: Prentice-Hall Canada,

Palmer, Bryan D. Working-class Experience: Rethinking the history of Canadian labour, 1800-1991.
        Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1992.

Seymour, Edward. An Illustrated History of Canadian Labour, 1800-1974. Ottawa: Canadian Labour
        Congress, 1976.

Internet Sources

National Library of Canada. "A Guide to Canadian Labour History Resources."

Canadian Committee on Labour History.

Katz, Gary. "Strike." CBC News Online.

The Ontario Workers Arts and Heritage Centre.

Industry Canada. "Labour." SchoolNet.

Lessons 4-6: Women's Movements

Print Sources

Armour, Moira and Pat Staton. Canadian Women in History: A Chronology. Toronto: Green Dragon
        Press, 1992.

Bacchi, Carol Lee. Liberation Deferred?: The Ideas of the English-Canadian Suffragists, 1877- 1918.
        Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1983.

Brand, Dionne. No Burden to Carry: Narratives of Black Working Women in Ontario 1920s to 1950s.
        Toronto: Women's Press, 1991.

---. Documents in Canadian Women's History. [3 vol.] Toronto: New Hogtown Press,

---. Herstory of Work: Recognizing women's contributions. [kit] Ottawa: Canadian Committee on
Women's History, 1993.

---. Gender and History in Canada. Toronto: Copp Clark Ltd., 1996.

MacEwan, Grant. Mighty Women: Stories of western Canadian pioneers. Vancouver/Toronto: Greystone,

Merritt, Susan E. Her Story: Women From Canada's Past. St. Catharine's: Vanwell Publishing Limited,

Merritt, Susan E. Her Story II: Women From Canada's Past. St. Catharines: Vanwell Publishing Limited,

---. The Neglected Majority: Essays in Canadian Women's History, Volume 2. Ed. Alison Prentice and
        Susan Mann Trofimenkoff, 1977.

Pedersen, Diana. Changing Women, Changing History: A bibliography of the history of women in Canada.
        Toronto: Green Dragon Press, 1992.

Prentice, Alison. et al. Canadian Women: A history. Toronto: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1988.

Pierson, Ruth Roach. "They're Still Women After All": The Second World War and Canadian
        Womanhood. Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1986.

---. Quebec Women: A history. Trans. Roger Gannon and Rosalind Gill. Toronto: Women's Press, 1987.

Sadlier, Rosemary. Leading the Way: Black Women in Canada. Toronto: Umbrella Press, 1994.

Statistics Canada. Women in Canada: A Statistical Report. Third Edition, 1995.

Strong-Boag, Veronica. The New Day Recalled: Lives of Girls and Women in English Canada,
        1919-1939. Markham: Penguin Books, 1988.

---. Rethinking Canada: The promise of women's history. Don Mills, Ont. : Oxford University Press,

Internet Sources

Cool Women.

Canadian Women in History.

Green Dragon Press.

Industry Canada. "Women." SchoolNet.

National Library of Canada. "Celebrating Women's Achievement."

Lessons 7-8: Aboriginal Movements

Print Sources

Adams, Howard. Prison of grass: Canada from a Native point of view. Saskatoon : Fifth House, 1989.

---. Arduous Journey. Canadian Indians and Decolonization. Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1986.

Berger, Thomas, R. Fragile Freedom, Human Rights and Dissent in Canada. Toronto: Clarke, Irwin,

Dickason, Olive Patricia. Canada's First Nations: A History of Founding Peoples from Earliest Times.
        Toronto: McClelland and Stewart Inc., 1992.

---. Indigenous Peoples and the Nation-State: 'Fourth' World Politics in Canada, Australia, and Norway.
        Ed. Noel Dyck St. John's: Memorial University of Newfoundland, 1985.

Miller, J.R. Skyscrapers Hide the Heavens: A History of Indian-White Relations in Canada. Toronto:
        University of Toronto, 1989.

---. Out of the Background: Readings on Canadian native history. Toronto: Copp Clark, 1996.

---. Pathways to Self-Determination: Canadian Indians and the Canadian State. Toronto: University of
        Press, 1984.

Purch, Donald. Our Land. Native Rights in Canada. Toronto: Lorimer, 1986.

Ray, Arthur J. I Have Lived Here Since the World Began: An illustrated history of Canada's native
        peoples. Toronto : Lester Publishing, 1996.

---. Sweet Promises: A reader on Indian-White Relations in Canada. Ed. J.R. Miller Toronto: Universtiy of
        Toronto Press, 1991.

---. Women of the First Nations: Power, wisdom and strength. Winnipeg: University of Manitoba Press,

Internet Sources

Aboriginal Rights Coalition of BC.

The Assembly of First Nations.

Bill's Aboriginal Links.

Canadian Museum of Civilization. "First Peoples Hall."

Indian and Northern Affairs Canada. "First Nations in Canada."

The First Perspective Online: Canada's Source for Aboriginal News and Events.

Natural Resources Canada. National Atlas Information Service. "Canada-Indian Treaties."

Industry Canada. "First Peoples" SchoolNet.


Ontario. The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9 and 10: Canadian and World Studies. Ministry of Education
        and Training, 1999.

Ontario. The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9 and 10: Program Planning and Assessment , Ministry of
        Education and Training, 1999.

Puk, Tom. Teaching the Process of Inquiry in the Sciences and Social Sciences. Thunder Bay: Lakehead
        University, 1993.

Social Program Evaluation Group, Queen's University. Canadians in the Global Community. [kit] The
        CRB Foundation Heritage Project, 1995.

Social Program Evaluation Group, Queen's University. We Are Canadians. [kit] The CRB Foundation
        Heritage Project, 1995.

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