Mustard Capital of the World

Mustard Plant, 49k
Full Size 148k

The Humboldt area is one of the world’s richest growing regions and is supported by the Humboldt Flour Mills. As of 1993, approximately 90 percent of the world’s export mustard supply is grown in Western Canada. Of this total, 75 percent is home grown in Saskatchewan.

The Humboldt Flour Mills holds 18 percent of the world’s mustard seed trading. It also contracts 20 percent of the mustard produced in Canada. In Saskatchewan there is 300,000 to 400,000 acres of mustard seed grown each year in Saskatchewan and this number will continue to grow as the Humboldt Flour Mills expands its international markets.

There are three different varieties of mustard grown in Saskatchewan differing in colour and flavour. These include yellow, brown, and Oriental seeds. The common North American mustard is produced from yellow mustard. The brown mustard seeds are used in gourmet Dijon mustards and as flavouring for traditional recipes of southern India. The Japanese use the Oriental seed as a condiment and in cooking.

In 1992 the Humboldt Flour Mills exported 15,000 tonnes of yellow mustard, 15,000 tonnes of brown mustard, and 5,000 tonnes of Oriental mustard. This contributed to $10 million worth of sales.

Whatever kind your favourite mustard is, chances are the mustard seed in it was grown in Saskatchewan.

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