The Humboldt Journal

August 11, 1910


The A. G. Barnes' great wild animal circus has come and gone, and to say that their performances here were appreciated and enjoyed by all who attended, is only stating what is a fact. The circus was all that its advertising claims it to be, and the crowds that were present both afternoon and evening were thoroughly pleased with the daring work of the animal trainers, and the many other interesting features of the show.

The circus, with a special train of eighteen cars, struck town about nine o'clock Sunday morning, and the work of unloading and erecting the huge tents was at once commenced. Early in the afternoon the large commons north of the Union Bank was a mass of waving canvas sheltering the first circus that ever visited Humboldt.

Both afternoon and evening performances drew large crowds, the evening audience filling the large canvas arena almost to its full capacity. A three ring show was presented, all going at one and same time. There were the ponies, the dogs, monkeys, and the elephants, all doing their various tricks, the unridable mule, the family of acrobats, and the wonderful Beno. The performing of the lions, tigers, panthers, leopards, bears and seals were the special features, the clever work of the seals being wonderful.

Besides the main show there was the usual group of side shows, such as "The Menagerie", "Nettle the Fat Girl", "Monkey Land", "The Tickler", "Concert Singers", and others, with their barkers talking through large megaphones, and all apparently did a thriving business.

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