The Humboldt Journal

May 12, 1955


Representatives of the Councils of Rural Municipalities of Humboldt and St. Peter's attended Monday night's meeting of the Town Council to discuss the serious situation in this area as a result of flood conditions.

The following morning they again met and drafted the following message which was sent to Premier T.C. Douglas:

"At an emergency meeting yesterday attended by representatives from the Rural Municipalities of Wolverine No. 340, St. Peter's No. 369, and Humboldt No. 370 and the Town of Humboldt, it was unanimously decided to bring in these municipalities due to disastrous flood conditions.

With the best of weather conditions seeding could not start before June 1st and it is estimated then that it could be possible to seed only about one third of the cultivated land. Owing to the heavy rust damage last year and present flood condition we would humbly request you to declare a state of emergency in our districts. Then again the roads including both highways and market roads will require great assistance from the government to make them passable this season. The burden of this additional unforeseen expense cannot be borne by local municipalities. Your immediate consideration of these matters is kindly urged." Signed, Bures T. Laskin, Mayor of Humboldt.

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