The Humboldt Journal

June 8, 1939
Volume 34 No. 23
$1.00 Per Year

Monday, June 5th, was Convention day for the C.C.F. in the Humboldt Constituency. In the forenoon, the Delegates for the Provincial Constituency gathered for their Annual Convention, re elected the Constituency Executive, elected ten Delegates to attend the Annual Convention for the Province, and recommended several changes in the Constitution of the organization. They also passed the following resolutions unanimously:

(1) Expressing their pleasure and gratitude for the visit to Canada of Their Majesties the King and Queen, and re affirmed their continued loyalty to them.
(2) Two resolution with regard to a Marketing Board for grain and an adequate initial payment
(3) Expressing their appreciation for the able manner the Constituency has been represented by J. W. Burton, M.L.A., and approval of his actions during the recent session of the Legislature.

By noon Delegates began arriving for the

Federal Constituency Nominating Convention, but owing to the muddy condition of the roads, the required number of polls were not represented until late in the afternoon. At one time, it looked as though the Convention would have to be postponed to another date, but carload after carload of Delegates kept on arriving and finally the Credentials Committee reported sufficient Polls represented by over eighty Delegates.

A strong Executive was elected, headed by S. Mycock as President. A spirited discussion arose on the question of unity with the other so called Progressive groups, but when the motion was put, it was overwhelmingly defeated, only four or five voting for it. Then the motion to nominate was carried without opposition, and Frank J. Bolster, of Fulda, was the unanimous choice of the Delegates. In the evening the well attended meeting was addressed by the newly nominated candidate, Mr. Bolster; J. W. Burton, M.L.A., and G. H. Williams Leader of the Opposition in the Legislature.

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