The Humboldt Journal

July 8, 1939 Vol. 34, No. 23


It is estimated that at least half the population of Humboldt were in either Saskatoon or Watrous on Saturday, June 3rd, to see Their Majesties King George VI and Queen Elizabeth. The largest number of course went to Saskatoon where the Royal Party made a two hour stop, and where, following the official reception at the depot, Their Majesties drove through the city, the route of the procession covering a distance of eleven miles. At Watrous, a crowd of 15,000 people gathered to welcome Their Majesties during the brief stop there.

The special train of 10 coaches left Humboldt for Saskatoon at 5:30 A.M.

and nearly four hundred children and adults from Humboldt and surrounding districts boarded the train here. Many hundreds made the trip by car or truck, large numbers going over the day previous.

Nearly all the Humboldt war veterans were there, and they assisted in patrolling the streets along the Royal route in the down town sections.

The Humboldt Junior Band, under the leadership of Mr. H. McDonald, had a prominent position along the route of the Royal procession. The music supplied by this popular band was well received by the Saskatoon crowds.

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