The Humboldt Journal

March 1, 1923
Volume 18, No. 19
$2.00 per Year in Advance

Extensive plans for the improvement of the Humboldt terminal facilities Canadian National Railways, are at present being made by the officials, indicating the importance attached to this point as a railway center.

150,000 Gallon Tank
One of the construction works which is now in progress is the erection of a new water tank, having a capacity of 150, 000 gallons. This tank will he one of the largest on the system, and is of the latest and improved type. The foundation has already been completed and the erection of the steel works is now under way. Mr. McClure, of the Horton Steel Works, Montreal, is in charge.

New Coal Docks
An important construction work to be undertaken shortly will be the erection of a new coaling plant. The present coal docks have become obsolete and inadequate for the heavy requirements of the Humboldt terminal, and the new plant, which will be right up to date,

will fill a long felt want. The material for this work is now on the ground and construction will commence shortly.

Cooling Plant
A new cooling plant for condensing purposes is to be constructed adjacent to the round house. This will be an important improvement in connection with the local shops, and will add to the power efficiency.

New Sand House
A new double sand house is to be erected, new cinder pits to be constructed and the tracks leading the round house are to be re arranged in order to afford better facilities for getting power in and out of the round house. When the above improvements have all been completed, Humboldt will be one of the best terminals on the system. The fact that this work has been authorized and undertaken indicates that the Canadian National Railways look for much better business in the near future and intend to be prepared to handle the heavy volume of business that will naturally follow the present quiet times.

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