The Humboldt Journal

March 14, 1929
Volume 24, No.16
$2.00 per Year in Advance

The Canadian Pacific Railway have again decided to construct their long proposed line of railway, from Lanigan to Humboldt, and thence to Prince Albert. In this issue of The Journal a notice of the company appears of their intention to apply to the Parliament of Canada at its present session for an Act authorizing it to construct this line of railway.

It will be recalled that several years ago, about the years 1912 or 1913, the C. P. R. were granted a charter for this line. At that time the company did not desire to come into Humboldt, their proposed line going west of the town. But when the application came before the railway committee of the House of Commons, Sir William Mackenzie, then president of the Canadian Northern railway, suggested that the line be put tight into Humboldt, and the bill passed this way.

This charter has, of course lapsed, therefore the necessity of makinga new application. The main object of this line, we presume, is the desire

of the C.P.R. to enter Prince Albert, and to do so at the earliest possible date, and it can be assumed that early construction will be undertaken.

The original route of this line, as shown on the map when the previous charter was granted, brought the railway into Humboldt from almost direct south, passing on the west end of Stoney lake, which lies about three and a half miles south of Humboldt. It then went due north for some ten or twelve miles, then swung to the north west.

Just what route the line as now proposed will follow is not known, as no map has yet been issued as far as we know. From Lanigan to Humboldt the route will probably be much the same as that originally proposed, but from Humboldt to Prince Albert a new survey will be required in order that it does not parallel existing lines.

The bill of course has to run the gauntlet of the railway committee before being sanctioned, but it is not anticipated there will be much opposition to its passage.

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