The Humboldt Journal

August 16, 1928
Volume 23, No.39
$2.00 per Year in Advance

New buildings to the value of over $100,000.00 are at present under construction in Humboldt, it being several years since the town has seen such activity in the building line as in evidence at the present time. Much improvement work is also being carried on by the town council, such as repairing of concrete sidewalks grading and graveling streets, laying water onnections, etc.

Some of the new buildings are: Hospital
This will be a large addition to the St. Elizabeth hospital, the estimated cost of which is $60,000.00 The excavation has already been completed. A. Stadleman is the contractor.
Dr. Ogilvie, residence - is a handsome new residence being erected by Dr. J. M. Oglivie, on the corner of Main street and Cabot Avenue; opposite the city hall. It is a ten room house, and will be stucco finished. The estimated cost is $6,000.00. A. Fraser is the contractor.
Knights of Columbus Hall
This will be a new home for the Humboldt council, Knights of Columbus, and will be erected on the corner east of the post office. It will be 80 feet by 34 feet, and stucco finish. It will have a large auditorium and recreation room, also a gymnasium in the basement. The estimated cost is about $7,000.00. Excavation for the basement has commenced.

Dust's garage
Mr. L. T. Dust has taken out a permit for a new building on his garage property, on Cabot avenue.The new structure which will be 36 feet by 38 feet, stucco finish, one and a half storeys, will be for an automobile show room, office and parts room. The estimated cost is $5,000.00. Linde residence
Mr. W. J. Linde is building a nice cottage on Main street near the hospital.
Spangler residence
Mr. John Spangler is building a fine new cottage, 26 feet by 28 feet, on the corner of First avenue and Stanley street. It is a five room cottage, fully modern.
A. Power warehouse
Mr. Archie Power has built a large warehouse at the rear of his premises, on Livingstone Street.
J. G.Yoerger, addition
Mr. J. G. Yoerger has added a large addition to his hardware store on Main street.

Many others have improved their residential property by additions, etc. Among these are, W. Weeks, Milton street; J. H. Thieman, First avenue; A C. Betts, John Love, Main street; A. A. Maschek, Stanley street, J. Kocourek Stanley street; H. S. Gendron Park street E. Branconiere, J. J. Daniels, Moffat street; F. R. Bowers, Livingston street, C. Nickelson, Main street; Humboldt Builders Supply Co., (Ramsey's premises); the Pontiac Cafe, Main street.

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