The Humboldt Journal

September 20, 1907
Volume 2, No.49
$1.00 Per Year

The town council are discussing the question of adequate fire protection, and a by-law is being prepared which will be submitted to the ratepayers, authorizing the expenditchure of $7,000 for this purpose.

The proposition is to purchase a waterous fire fighting apparatus including a 25 horse power gasoline engine, ladders, hose, etc., build a fire hall, sink an artesian well, and construct three large water tanks in different parts of the town also a gasoline engine and pump to pump the water from the well into the tanks.

The fire, water and light committee held. a special meeting on Monday evening for the purpose of discussing with Mr. English, the representative of the Waterous fire Engine Co., who is here at the invitation of the council,

the purchase of a fire engine.

A public meeting was also held on Wednesday evening to discuss the same matter, and all present were in favor of securing fire protection of some nature. Mayor Andreasen and Coun. Zilliax who represented the council, told the meeting that as far as the water supply was concerned that was now assured, as the work of sinking a town well would start immediately.

The town council will hold a special meeting on Monday evening. The town council are discussing the question of adequate fire protection and a by law is being prepared which will be submitted to the rate payers, matter will be dealt with in detail.

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