The Humboldt Journal

January 21, 1909
Volume 4, No.14
$1.00 Per Year

A report is current here to the effect that a deal is being put though whereby all the lands held by the German American Land Co., and which are located within the immediate vicinity of Humboldt, are being purchased by the Luse Land Co. until by H. J. Haskamp, president of the Great Northern Lumber Co., of this town. The deal is undoubtedly one of the largest land transactions that has been consummated for some time, involving about 75,000 acres.

According to the information which we have been able to secure, the Luse Land Co. have taken an option on all the lands owned by the German American Land Co., lying west of range 25, and that Mr. H. J. Haskamp has secured an option on all the lands of the same company lying east of range 25.

The deal is of the utmost importance to Humboldt as it is understood that the land will be disposed of as rapidly as possible and to actual settlers.

land advertisement, 51k
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