The Humboldt Journal

Sept. 16, 1926
Volume 21, No.44
$2.00 Per Year in Advance

Ottawa, Sept. 15—The Conservative Government of Rt. Hon. Arthur Meighen met with defeat at the polls Tuesday. The prime minister himself failed to secure election in Portage la Prairie Man., and five of his ministers, three of them from Quebec were defeated. On the other hand, the Liberal party, headed by Right Hon. W.L. Mackenzie King constitutes the largest group in the new parliament. Mr. King and all the members of the former government who contested ridings were returned by the electorate yesterday. Mr. King was elected in the constituency of Prince Albert, Sask.

Toronto, Sept. 15—At half past six this morning, the Canadian Press gave out the following summary:

Liberals, 118; Conservatives, 90; Progressives, 7; Liberal Progressives, 11; U.F.A., 11; Labor, 3; Independent, 2; doubtful, 3.

The three doubtful seats are: Kindersley and Last Mountain, Saskatchewan, and Skeena, B. C.

The standing at dissolution was Conservative, 115; Liberal, 101; Progressives 24; Labor, 2. Independent, 2; and 1 vacancy.

Gains by parties to date:

Liberals from Conservatives, 22; Liberals from Progressives, 1;

Liberal - Progressive from Conservatives, 2; Conservatives from Liberals, 3; Conservatives Take 90 Progressives from Conservatives 2; Labor - Liberal Progressive from Conservative, 1; U.F.A. from Liberals, 2; Labor from Conservatives, 1.

The members of the Government in addition to Premier Meighen who were defeated on Tuesday are:

Hon. E L. Patenaude, Minister of Justice, Hon. Andre Fauteux Solicitor General; Hon. Eugene Paquet, Minister of Health and soldiers' civil re-establishment, and two ministers without portfolio, Hon. Donald Sutherland and Hon. Raymond Morand.

The former ministers in the King Government, in addition to the Right Hon. W. L. Mackenzie King, who were re-elected on Tuesday are Hon. Ernest Lapointe, former Minister of Justice; Hon. P. J. Cardin, former Minister of Marine; Hon. Lucien Cannon, former Solicitor General; Hon. J. A. Robb, former Minister of Finance; Hon. J. C. Elliott, former Minister of Labor, Health and soldiers' re-establishment; Hon. W. R. Motherwell, former Minister of Agriculture; Hon. C. A. Dunning, former Minister of Railways; Hon. H. King, former Minister of Public Works; and Hon. Chas. Stewart, former Minister of the Interior.

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