The Humboldt Journal

December 20, 1917 Volume 13, No.11 $1.50 Per Year


The Union government won a decisive victory in the general elections on Monday, and the indications at present are that the government will have a majority, of 48, with the possibility of this being increased when the soldiers vote is counted and the votes of overseas soldiers who did not designate a candidate have been allotted.

All the sixteen Saskatchewan seats elected Union candidates. In Alberta three seats are still in doubt, with the Unionists leading in two while the Laurier candidate leads in Battle River but will possibly be placed in the government column with the soldiers' vote. This would make that province also solid for Union government. Manitoba elected 13 union candidates and one opposition. Prince Edward Island went solid for the opposition, the four Laurier candidates being all elected. Nova Scotia returned five Union and nine opposition candidates.

In Ontario 72 of the 82 constituencies have been won by the Unionist forces and all the ministers were elected by large majorities.

Sir Wilfrid Laurier and his running mate H. McGiverin were defeated close on to 1,000 majority in the capital but the Liberal leader was returned in Quebec East by 6,000.

In Quebec 62 out

of the 65 seats went into the Liberal column. The three successful Unionist candidates in Quebec were Hon. C. J. Doherty, Minister of Justice, who won a three cornered fight in St. Anne's division, Montreal Hon. C. C. Ballantyne, Minister of Marine and Fisheries, who was elected by a good majority in St. Lawrence- St. George division and Sir Herbert Ames, who still holds St. Antoine division in the same city. Outside of Montreal no Unionist was elected.

A striking feature of the election has been the size of the majorities secured by the Unionist candidates in Ontario and in the west and by the Liberals in Quebec. The record majority was scored in North Toronto by Foster, the Unionist candidate, who beat his opponent by 14,607. The women's vote was doubtless largely responsible for the abnormal majorities secured by Unionists candidates, more particularly in Urban constituencies.

Result By Province
ProvinceGov'tOppositionDeferredIn Doubt
Nova Scotia592--
New Brunswick74----
Prince Edward Island--4----
British Columbia121----

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