The Humboldt Journal

January 14, 1915 Volume 10, No.14 $1.00 Per Year


Very satisfactory progress has been made during the year on the construction and installation of Humboldt's waterworks sewerage systems and the work has progressed so far that within a day or two now the system will be far enough completed to enable the pumping machinery at the power house at the lake to be started, and the water tower, situated near the power house filled with water. When this is done, a large part of the work will have been accomplished, and the question of adequate fire protection will be solved. Nineteen hydrants have been installed in the business sections of the town, from which the largest part of the town can be reached in case of fire.

The pump house at the lake is a solid brick and concrete building, the contractors on which were Messrs. Hanson & Paul. The contract price was $5120.00 without the foundations for the machinery. The pump house has been completed for sometime time, and a large force of men has been busily engaged installing the machinery. The machinery includes a large gas engine 50 h.p., two triplex pumps, with capacity of 300 gallons per minute each, and two huge filters, each eight feet in diameter and fourteen feet in length.

The work of laying the intake, from the lake to the power house is progressing favorably. The inside will be laid to a distance at about 100 feet out into the lake.

The huge water tower is practically completed, the work of constructing the housing having been finished this week. The contractor on the water tower was G.A. Sisson, the price being $12,000.00 complete with foundation, steel work and housing.

The average pumping station, also a

solid brick and concrete building, is completed, with the exception of the installation of the machinery. The three inch galvanized air pipe line has been laid to the south side of the C.N.R. tracks, and will in the spring be continued to the power house where an air compressor will be installed, and which will operate the ejectors in the sewage pumping station. Messrs. Flanagan and Murphy have this contract, amounting to $7,900.00.

From the sewage pumping station to the sewage disposal works the sewage will be pumped by the compressed air ejection through a sewer force main; already laid. This main is principally of 12 inch wood stove pipe.

In connection with this sewage disposal works, the only work that has been done here is the erection of the main building, 92 1/2 feet , 47 1/2 feet, constructed of reinforced concrete. Flanagan & Murphy, contractors, contract price $16,855.00.

The force main has been laid from the pump house at the lake to the water tower, a distance of 18,625 feet; the ten inch water has been laid from the power house to Main street, by McClintock avenue, and along Main street to near First avenue; on Railway avenue from Moffat street to west side of Cheadle street.

The sewer pipes have been laid on Moffatt street from the sewage pumping station to the south side of Kane avenue on Railway avenue from Moffatt street to west side of Cheadle street; on Main street from Railroad avenue to Cabot avenue, and from Columbus avenue to McCintock avenue.

Nineteen hydrants and one crane have been installed.

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