January 28, 1915 |
$1.00 Per Year |
The above is a photograph of the Flour Mill and Elevator, owned by the McNab Flour Mills, Limited, one of Humboldt's thriving industries which has been in successful operation here for over a year. The mill has just completed a very profitable years business, and the proprietors are more than satisfied with the result of their venture. The mill, which has a daily capacity of 125 barrels, is equipped with the William J. T. Greey milling machinery, which is second to none in Canada and the determination of the owners to install the very latest and best machinery has no doubt had a great deal to do with the resultant success. The output for the past year was about 50,000 sacks, or an average of 4,000 sacks a month and the mill has been kept busy with day and night shifts during the past year turning out enough flour to supply the demand which is rapidly increasing as the housewives of Humboldt and district and other towns in the province discover the excellent qualities of the Humboldt product, which appears to be every bit as good if not better than the product turned out by the larger mills. It is handled by nearly all the local merchants and a large trade has been established in the towns on this line all the way from Buchanan to North Battleford, and also as far north as Melfort. Four brands are manufactured - Prairie Rose, Superior, Strong, Bakers and XXXX. One great factor derived from the establishment of this thriving industry here has been the reduction in the price of flour to local consumers for as remarked by the manager, Mr. Patterson. "Previous to our mill being built here, with wheat selling at 63 cents per bushel the usual price of flour was $3.60 per sack, |
while now, or up until very recently, with the price of wheat at $1.05 per bushel flour was retailing at $3.50 per sack." A great factor in enabling the McNab four mill to stand up against outside competition is their ability to buy wheat their own doors at prices below the general average which the big mill must pay., and the saving in freight which flour made from such wheat represents to the local consumer. Besides their output of flour a large chopping business is done which especially appeals to the farmers, who are patronizing the mill largely, having their oats and wheat ground up for feed. The chopping mill has a capacity for turning out two tons of feed per hour. Unlike a good many of the larger mills the bran and shorts is ground form pure milling wheat, the hog feed being made from the screenings, and as a resort bran and shorts, the product of the McNab mill, sells in Saskatoon and other cities at $2.00 a ton more than other brands. About 2000 sacks of this product were turned out last year. A total of 85,000 bushels of wheat was handled through the elevator the past year, about half of which was used for milling purposes. The mill uses about five cords of wood per day, which is purchased from the farmers, who derive a great deal of benefit from this trade. The firm is composed of Hon. A. P. McNab, president; J. L. Patterson, vice president and manager: J. B Young, secretary. The bead miller, W. A. Hagerman has had a very wide experience in the milling business and is a thoroughly competent man. |
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