Watson, Sacred Heart Parish

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On Sunday, Aug. 16, 1903, Prior Alfred Mayer visited the eastern part of St. Peter's Colony with Mr. F.J. Lange, president of the Catholic Settlement Society. Prior Alfred celebrated mass in the house of Peter Heilmann located approximately five miles north of the present town of Watson. This was the first time mass was celebrated in the district which now lies within Sacred Heart Parish, Watson.

During the following winter, so much snow fell that travel in the area was very difficult. On May 17, 1904, Fr. Peter Windschiegl crossed Iron Spring Creek on a raft and said mass in the house of Frank Vossen, north of Watson. The large amount of water from the melting snow made the creek resemble a river. Wading in ice cold water up to his chest, Frank Vossen pulled the raft, with the priest and the altar utensils, across the creek by means of a long rope.

Two days after the arrival of Fr. Benedict Steigenberger, at a meeting of the Catholic settlers, the first trustees were elected in the parish. They were: Joseph Ackerman, Peter Bartsch, Adam Furstenberg, John Sommer and John Wilkes. On Oct. 29, 1905, the first service was held in the new frame church which measured 22 ft x 30 ft and had a two room annex on the side as a dwelling for the pastor. Credit for directing the building of this first church goes to Fr. Benedict Steigenberger.

Early in 1907 the church was enlarged and a tower added. A parish house was built at a cost of $2,000. This was done under the leadership of Fr. Meinrad Seifermann who had been appointed pastor that year.

On July 30, 1911, the bishop blessed the three bells. The largest bell, weighing 400 pounds, was donated by the Christian Mothers. The second bell, weighing 225 pounds, and the third weighing 120 pounds were donated by parishioners.

One of these bells was brought to Canada by Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Thieman in their stock car when they came from Ohio in 1904. The bell was given to them by a group of sisters in Ohio, who thought that the bell might be useful in the undeveloped territory. Mr. and Mrs. Thieman were the grandparents of Myrtle, Ronald and Elmer Bohnen.

In June 1918, Fr. Dominic Hofmann became pastor of Watson. In July 1920, Abbot Michael Ott appointed Fr. Fridolin Tembreull as pastor.

Seeing that the frame church built by Fr. Benedict and enlarged by Fr. Meinard Seifermann was too small for the growing congregation, Fr. Dominic had already made preparations for the construction of a more substantial building.

Excavation for a new and larger church was completed by August 1920. Stones and sand were hauled to the site during the summer and winter. The actual construction of the basement church, 41 ft x 100 ft took place during Fr. Fridolin's pastorale. Bonas Brothers were the contractors for the $8,000 structure. The interior was 12 feet high. There were 19 windows. Abbot Michael Ott blessed the new church on Oct. 23, 1921. At this time Fr. Marcellus Mayer became the new pastor of Watson until October 1923 when his place was taken by Fr. Theodore Doepker.

In 1951 preparations were made and collections were taken up for a building fund for a new church. Construction began in earnest in 1952 under the supervision of Anton Stadleman. Parishioners offered their wholehearted suupport and much of the work was done by volunteers including Fr. George who often donned coveralls and could be found right in the midst of the building crew. The new church was blessed on May 31, 1953.

On Dec. 21, 1992, the first stained glass window was installed in Sacred Heart Church. This window is of the Sacred Heart. A second is of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. The remaining three windows on the west side are of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. These windows were designed by Sr. Salesia Zunti, OSE, of Humboldt and made by her brother, Walter Zunti of Luseland.

Another eight stained glass windows symbolize the seven sacraments and religious life. These were designed by Sr. Salesia Zunti, OSE, and made by Ed Doepker. Stainedglass windows were designed and made for the windows in the cry room, the choir loft and the entrance. All of the windows have been donated by members of the parish. Each window is blessed during a brief ceremony at Sunday mass. An explanation of the symbols in each window is given.

In 1910 Roman Catholic ratepayers in Watson school district decided to organize a separate school. They were authorized to borrow $1,200 to purchase a site and build and furnish a school.

The school opened in September, 1910. This school stood where the north Sacred Heart Church parking lot is now located.

In 1923, when Fr. Marcellus Mayer was pastor, the second Catholic Separate School building was constructed. It was located between the church and the present elementary school. Lay teachers staffed the new school until June 1924. During that summer the sisters' dwelling was completed. Four sisters were sent from Bruno to teach. In September the school opened with 70 pupils in the elementary grades and 12 in high school. A statue of the Sacred Heart was blessed and placed at the entrance.

The third and final separate school building was constructed in 1956. It is now the present elementary school. The same year the sisters' residence was moved to its present location. It is now the home of Brita and Bob Perdue. After the sisters' residence was moved, the east and west porches were added. Fr. George built the kitchen cupboards.

In 1964 an agreement was made whereby Grades 9 to 12 students from the separate school moved to the Watson High School. In exchange the Catholic students from the rural areas could attend the separate school for their elementary education. Religion was taught in the high school by the pastor for a number of years.

In April 1974, after much deliberation and discussion, the separate school ratepayers voted to amalgamate with the public school. Since then the separate school building has been the elementary school in Watson.

Pastors of Sacred Heart Parish, Watson:
Fr. Peter Windschiegl, May-July 1904; Fr. Matthias Steger, July- October 1904 ; Fr. Benedict Steigenberger, 1904-1907; Fr. Meinrad Seifermann , 1907-1908; Fr. Benedict Steigenberger, 1908-1909; Fr. Bernard Schaeffler, 1909-1918; Fr. Joseph Wickel, assistant to Fr. Bernard, 1911-1918; Fr. Dominic Hofmann, 1918-1920; Fr. Fridolin Tembreull, 1920-1921; Fr. Marcellus Mayer, 1921-1923; Fr. Theodore Doepker, 1923-1948; Fr. George Brodner, 1948-1956; Fr. Roman Schneider, 1956-1967; Fr. Leo Hinz, 1967-1968; Fr. Joseph Ackerman, Summer 1968; Fr. Francis Lohmer, 1968-1970; Fr. Alfred Engele, 1970-1971; Fr. Aloysius Herriges, 1971-1979; Fr. Alfred Engele, 1979-1989; Fr. Daniel Muyres, 1989 .

Reprinted with permission of Diocese of Muenster, 1996
Box 10, Muenster, Sk. S0K 2Y0

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