Minerals Title Bar

Sphalerite Sample


Chemical Composition: (ZnFe)S
Group: Sphalerite
System: Isometric
Family: Sulphides
Hardness: 3.5 - 4

  • Tetrahedral or pseudo-octahedral crystal
  • Other colours: yellow or reddish-brown, blackish, pink, green, colourless
  • Heavy, very fragile
  • Perfect cleavage
  • Transparent or translucent
  • Soluble in hydrochloric acid
  • Infusible if pure, but becomes more fusible as the iron content increases
  • Found in: Austria, Bolivia, Canada, Czech Republic England, Hungary, Italy, Slovakia, Spain, Switzerland, USA, Yugoslavia
  • By-products of purification: cadmium, gallium, indium

Science North / Science Nord