Minerals Title Bar

Smithsonite Sample


Chemical Composition: ZnCO3
Group: -
System: Hexagonal
Family: Carbonates
Hardness: 5.5

  • Rhombohedral or scalenohedral crystals
  • White when pure
  • Perfect rhombohedral cleavage
  • Nonmetallic; vitreous to greasy luster
  • Many varieties show pinkish fluorescence if exposed to ultraviolet light
  • Heavy, fragile
  • Transparent
  • Soluble in cold concentrated hydrochloric acid
  • Infusible
  • White streak
  • specific gravity 4.3 - 4.5
  • Found in: Greece, Italy, Namibia, Spain, Turkey, USA, former USSR, Zambia,
  • Uses: zinc is extracted from it
  • Common

Science North / Science Nord