Minerals Title Bar

Fluorite Sample


Chemical Composition: CaF2
Group: -
System: Isometric
Family: Halides
Hardness: 4

  • Cubes, octahedrons and dodecadrons
  • Good cleavage
  • Colour extremely variable
  • Nonmetallic; vitreous luster
  • Colourless and completely transparent when pure
  • Strongly fluorescent when exposed to ultraviolet light
  • Heavy, fragile
  • Transparent to translucent
  • Insoluble in water, hyddrochloric acid & nitric acid
  • Dissolves in concentrated sulfuric
  • Fuses fairly easily
  • White streak
  • Specific gravity 3.1 - 3.3
  • Found in: Brazil, Canada, England, Germany, Italy, Norway, Switzerland, USA
  • Uses: in the production of hydrofluoric acid

Science North / Science Nord